Thursday, March 11, 2010


Do you beleive that the human brain is more advanced and competing than the present desktop. The human brain is the most advanced of all the animals and mammals that could evolve…..the human brain is bigger than the ape brain so agreed humans evolved more…but then elephants are also mammals and they have a bigger brain than why didnt they evolve …such controversial topics will keep emerging untill science is able to understand the human brain completly There are expert systems that can solve complex problems that humans train their whole lives for. Most of the day the human mind is taking in information, analyzing it, storing it accordingly, and recalling past knowledge to solve problems logically. 

I believe that computers definitely are superior to the human mind and will continue to progress every day. These are the areas where computers lack the technology to compete with humans but they are working on it. Humans then take all of this information and solve problems logically. e most recent technological advances, then it would be obvious that computers and software are beginning to mimic even the most advanced mental states. SO….why not research on such a device /medium/method to delete some space of your brain as done in the case of a desktop hard drive. 

WHAT IF such equipments could be deviced to your body controlled by yourself using a desktop or a laptop….how convinient would it be to erase a part of your memory - with the choice of selecting which part of the day …time …year/s … or a part of your life you want to Shift + Delete. OR copy paste data and to n fro from your own brain to your laptop/mobile/desktop. 

 Technology has no bounds to its limits …so why not step ahead of the Solomon Asch experiment in 1957 / Augmented Theory and the Bionic research and reprogramm the Lords creation.

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